Thankfully, the Stage 2 doesn't stray from the original Stage's concept. The form factor and weight of all three models remains unchanged, though there has been some renaming - the Stage 88 is now the Stage 2 HA88 (HA stands for hammer action) the 76 is the HA76 and the Compact is the SW73 (semi-weighted).
Perhaps this has been done so that the weighted 73 keybed (recently introduced on the Electro 3 HP) can at some point be offered as an option.
The hammer action versions have also been tweaked and now feel much like the Nord Piano, which is a good thing. The downward key travel is fairly shallow and there is no sluggishness.
The two weighted actions work well even for organ and clav playing, though the SW73 is the best option if clavs, organs and synths are more your bag, though it's still very playable for piano/EP.